Saturday, 25 May 2013


A.    Back-FormationBack-formation adalah salah satu cara pembentukan kata dengan cara mengurangi sebuah imbuhan yang dianggap menjadi bagian dari kata awal. Back-formation merubah kelas kata dan maknanya. Biasanya kata-kata tersebut diubah dari kata benda (noun) menjadi kata kerja (verb).Contoh: Television menjadi televise. Editor menjadi edit.B.    Extending Word Formation RulesSebuah kata baru mungkin dibentuk...

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Listening Comprehension IV

This is Listening's File from Ms. Widi. You can download it freely. :) 1st Meeting - The Respondent. (Download) 2nd Meeting - Claudia & Tosio. (Download) 3rd Meeting - Dream Time. (Download) 4th Meeting - Mic House. (Download) 5th Meeting - Video Library. (Download) 6th Meeting - Accommodation. (Download) 7th Meeting - Degree of Business_Mid Term. (Download)  #Report if Link is broken...

Tuesday, 1 January 2013


Like the other of literature genre, poetry also has a specific character. Poetry is not free style of writing. In making a poetry, we must pay attention to some rules to create it. The rules are called the form’s element of poetry. 1. Line It is a single line of word in a poetry. We can say that line is “the sentence of poetry”. 2. Rhythm Rhythm is the pattern of repeated sound. 3. Foot Feet is a intonation of reading the poetry based on the...

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