Tuesday 25 December 2012


1. The Definition of Plot
   Based on the free encyclopedia, plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect, how the reader views the story, or simply by coincidence. As the conclusion, plot is the series or the sequences of event and action in a story.

2. The Elements of Plot
    a) Exposition
      In this section, there is introduction of character and setting. The exposition introduces all of the main characters in the story. It shows how they relate to one another, what their goals and motivations are, and the kind of person they are.
     b) Rising Action
     The conflict is started. The character now begin to struggle against one another.
     c) Climax
        The point of climax is the turning point of the story, where the protagonist plays his main role. Both the protagonist and the antagonist have a plan to win against the other. The climax often contains much of the action in a story, for example, a defining battle.
     d) Falling Action
       In the sense that the loose ends are being tied up. However, it is often the time of greatest overall tension in the play, because it is the phase in which everything goes most wrong. In this phase, the villain has the upper hand. It seems that evil will triumph. The protagonist has never been further from accomplishing the goal.
      e) Resolution 
         This is the final confrontation between protagonist and antagonist, which one of them win the conflict. Resolution has three type, they are:
           •    Happy Ending
           •    Tragic (Unhappy Ending)
           •    Open Ended (lack of resolution)

3. The Kinds of Plot
      a) Chronological Order
           This plot telling story from beginning until end
      b) Flashback
          As the opposite of chronological order, it telling story from end until beginning
       c) Episodic Plot
           Plot exists on each episode, but doesn’t out of the main plot
       d) Mixing Plot
           This is the combination of chronological and flashback plot.


  1. coool.. udh keren bgt bhs inggrinyaa
    cut may


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