Friday 30 November 2012


Drama is story written to be performed by actors. Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. The term comes from a Greek word "dran" meaning "action", which is derived from "to do" or "to act". According to the modern definition, any play may be considered a drama.

The difference between drama and other forms of literature is the way the “audience” receives the texts. For example, drama is meant to be performed in the form of a play, skit, sitcom etc. The lines are read to the audience and they receive it that way. As for the other forms, the “audience” reads the text themselves whether it be a fictional novel, nonfictional texts (newspapers, magazines, textbooks) or anything that is read. Non-fictional information can be given in the form of a newscast or some TV show but this just delivers facts and is not acted. Some shows may be bases on real events but the way they are preformed is scripted, reenacted, and may contain fictional elements making it drama.

Drama is a favorite form of entertainment for many people, whether it is a play being performed live or a movie being shown at a movie theater. However, people may not be aware that the art of drama has been practiced and studied for many years. In 335 B.C., the philosopher Aristotle wrote a work called Poetics in which he outlined the most basic elements of drama that are still adhered to by actors and actresses today. Traditionally, drama performed on stage before an audience, but nowadays can refer to a TV show/movie/Broadway etc.

Thursday 29 November 2012


Genre is a term that describes works of literature according to their shared thematic or structural characteristics. The drama was difference based on the elements of drama and common perception of people.
a) Comedy
A comedy makes us laugh when the play is well composed with the humorous elements. It refers to a play that is humorous, and that typically have happy endings.  The intent of a comedic play is to make the audience laugh. Composing a comical drama requires high level of intellect and perceptive faculties because provoking laughter is not something easy.
b) Tragedy
Tragedy is the drama exposes the plight and suffering of humans to its audience. It is play in which a main character suffers a down fall. Tragedy usually involves serious subject matter and the death of one or more main characters. The theme of a tragedy usually rotates around ruination of dynasty, downfall of man, emotional betrayals, moral setback, personal loss, death and denials. A tragedy when composed and enacted well can touch your sentiments deeply.
c) Musical
In musical drama, the story is told not only through dialogue and acting but through music and dance. Music, melody and dance play a significant role in a musical drama. The music should be in sync with the actions and the performer often uses dance as a means of self expression. The stage is equipped with a band of orchestra, well rehearsed with the plot and use of music. Musical drama became popular as opera, which is still considered to be intensely sensuous.
d)  Fantasy
It's a complete fictional work where characters virtually display supernatural skills. It's more appealing to children as fairies, angels, superheroes, etc are embedded in the plot. Use of magic, pseudo science, horror and spooky themes through various kinds of technical devices create a perfect world of fantasy. The modern version of drama incorporates a great deal of special effects.


These terms refer to aspects that must be present in order for a work of drama to be successful. The elements of drama may seem very similar to the elements of fiction, and they are. The difference is that drama has certain elements that make it unique in its own way. The most important elements are the audience and the characterization when it comes to the authors’ success. However, there can be other elements that can be very crucial.
A. Theme
The theme is the abstract issues and feelings that grow out of the dramatic action. What the play means as opposed to what happens (the plot). The theme of a drama refers to the central idea of the play. It can either be clearly stated through dialogue or action or can be inferred after watching the entire performance. Sometimes the theme is clearly stated in the title. Or it may be the theme is less obvious and emerges only after some study or thought.
B. Plot
The order of events occurring in a play is referred to as the plot of the drama. It is the basic storyline that is narrated through a play. Plot is the arrangement of the overall structure of dramatic literature. The plot is the literary element that describes the sequence of a story. In drama, plot is structured with acts and scenes.
C. Setting
The setting in dramatic literature is where the play takes place. It is everything about the place, including the time of day the play takes place. The playwright uses language to create the setting and the scenes tell the reader information about it.
D. Music
This element of drama comprises of the melody in the use of sounds and rhythm in dialogues as well as melodious compositions, which form a part of many plays. If the scenes of a play are accompanied by well-suited pieces of music, they become more effective on the audiences. Hence, music forms a very important element of drama.
Music is not a part of every play.  But, music can be included to mean all sounds in a production.  Music can expand to all sound effects, the actor’s voices, songs, and instrumental music played as underscore in a play.
E. Spectacle
Spectacle is the arrangement of the features of a drama. It is a design of everything that the audience sees as they watch the play. This refers to visual element. It include:
a)    The arrangement of stage
b)    Lighting Design
c)    Costume Design
d)    Makeup


Features of Drama is a distinctive characteristic of a drama. They are include:
A. Dialogue
The dialogue is the language the characters use. In the other word, dialogue is conversation between characters. In the script, preceded by the name of the character that is to speak the words. Dialogue reveals information about the character who is speaking and it tells the audience his attitude towards other characters. Dialogue also advances the story and helps set the tone of the play. Dialogue let us know how characters think and what their personalities are like.
Dialogue provides the substance of a play. The story of any play is taken forward by means of the dialogue. The story is narrated to the audiences through the dialogue written by the playwright. The success of a drama depends hugely on the contents of the dialogue and the quality of dialogue delivery by the actors of the play.
In dialogue, also available the scene. The scene is a subdivision of a play, where action takes place in one stage setting
B. Actors
These are the people presented in the play that are involved in drama. As in a drama, people or creatures that appear in a script by speaking or doing something (the "something" may be as simple as walking on stage, then walking off again) Each character should have their own distinct personality, age, appearance, beliefs, socioeconomic background, and language. Character is the most important element of literature. The protagonist is the central character in the play, while the antagonist is the character that opposes the protagonist. Minor characters are other characters in the play that may support the main characters. What determines the success of a play is the ability of the author to create characters that an actor can successfully “bring to life” as envisioned by the author.
C. Actions
Action is the process of actor in doing something which refers to his character.
D. To be performed on stage/in an audience
Stage is the part of a drama on which the acting takes place. Whereas the audience is people who watch the movie. The audience is the key element that distinct drama from all the other forms of literature.
E. Stage Director
Stage director is someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a stage show. Stage director directs actors for a show to be performed on stage.
A stage director manages all of the creative aspects of a drama production. The director’s responsibilities include interacting with script writers, auditioning and hiring performers, conducting rehearsals, overseeing the production crew, and making all other creative decisions. Giving post-performance feedback is also part of the stage director’s job, to keep performers aware of the production’s strengths as well as areas in need of improvement.

Wednesday 28 November 2012


EDITION         : 7th
YEAR               : 2010
PAGE               : xxiv + 188

Sekolahnya Manusia” (Human’s School) is the title of this book, because of after researched, many schools in this country are “robot’s school”, begin from the learning process, school’s success target, until the assessment system. The author is Munif Chatib, someone who intensely implement school-based Multiple Intelligences, that is school which appreciate the different types of students’ intelligence.

This book consists of five chapters. In Chapter I, the author tells the special moments, the moments of a teacher found a method that can transform the learning difficulties of students with the result is they are easy to understand lessons. Obviously, this process is successful after trying many ways. The process of finding the right learning method called discovering ability.

In Chapter II explained the theory of Multiple Intelligences which developed by Howard Gardner. Some of the things that emphasized by the authors of this chapter is the Gardner’s courage did redefinition of intelligence. Initially, people have relied that intelligence is determined by a formal test, but according to Gardner intelligence cannot be assessed and limited to formal tests. Another point highlighted by the authors is when MI (Multiple Intelligences) implemented at the school, came many obstacles and varied interpretations of this school.

In Chapter III, the author describes the indicators of excellent school, the school with the best process and not the best input. Generally, people think that excellent school is a school that approve new students with formal tests which very tight to screen students. However, in the application of MI, not using a formal test, but used MIR (Multiple Intelligences Research). MIR is limited only to know the students' intelligence, not an entrance test screening of new students.

In Chapter IV contains an explanation of the learning strategy with MI. The thing to understand is, MI is not a lesson, and it is not a curriculum. MI is a learning strategy that contains learning activities with a variety of models and activities. The author also explains how to design strategies in a lesson plan.

In Chapter V discussed about the process of assessment and reporting. Assessment is determined by the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective.

Reading this book is like encouraging us to look toward to our school and begin to consider bids in the book. Because in the book the excellent school concept which is generally understood have been refuted by offering things out of the ordinary public.

At least there are three attractive offers in this book to be adopted and developed as a form of innovation for our school. The offers are an excellent school’s concept, MIR as a test for new students, and placement of students in classes based on the tendency of students' learning styles.

The first bid is excellent school’s concept. Munif Chatif offers excellent school is school which not based on the best input it will be the best output, but the best process it will be the best output.

The second bid is MIR as a test for new students. The test results to determine a child is accepted or not accepted as a student at a school. The test results are information  for school to placement the students in the classroom. Information can also be used by teachers to provide the best service so that the learning experience is according to student’s learning styles.

The last bid is students are divided into classes according to their learning style. The consequence of that is the number of students in each class is not the same but depending MIR test and the result of new students’ interview.

This book is a must read for everyone who involve in education, include the parents. This book is beautifully enlightening us that no child is stupid, they just have different learning styles than in generally. The book is a new inspiring in learning approach that treats students as human beings with different potential and uniqueness of each to be developed maximally.

Wednesday 21 November 2012


Before discuss about literature’s value, we should know the meaning of value. Value is an agreement of member society concerning what is bad or good. It is as regulation how to life of member society. So, we can say that value is guide line how to life.
The next question is, what is literature’s value?
Value in literature refers to qualities of poetry, prose’s, and dramas which makes them compatible to read or not.
The worthwhile of literature can be evaluated using those ways. 
1. Entertainment Value
By reading it, we can enjoy ourselves. Its indicator is, whether we’re enjoy pass the time by reading it. This value is subjective, so it cannot judge whether the literature good or bad
2. Political Value
Politic is how to manage power. The author lead our mind according him/her. It can change the way people live with and influence each other
3. Artistic Value
It helps us contemplate the reality of beauty and human creativity
4. Cultural Value
Discuss about the culture of ethnic. Indirectly, the author conserves the culture
5. Historical Value
It tell about past events. So, if we reading the literature we can know and understand about past.
6. Moral Value
We can learn what is right or wrong. It teaches the readers to live better.
7. Ethical Value
If reading it, helps us asks questions related to standards of a “good” life
8. Philosophy Value
The author lead us to contemplate about something. It explores human knowledge, how we know and what we know.


How to analyze a poetry? After we learn about the elements of poetry whether in form or content side, we can analyze the poetry entirely. And this is the steps.
1. Read the all of poetry
    It means to get understanding of poetry. If the poetry written in foreign language, we may translate it first
2. Interpret each stanza
    A poetry written in short text. The author usually uses the figurative language to represent something. Find the meaning word by word contextually
3. Decide of theme
    Find the general idea that the poetry talk about
4. Analyze atmosphere
    It is included of the author’s mood and tone. They are pointed by emotional situation and the attitude of the author. The author shows them in selecting of word
5. Find point of view
    Point of view is the different angle to see the subject. The author look something in the other glasses. It means we can find what the author’s opinion of something in different ways are.
6. Try to find the style
    The language of poetry is full of symbols, connotations, or figure of speeches. They are represent or compare something else besides itself.
7. Find the message
    After reading and comprehending the poetry, we are able to find the value that the author want to convey
8. Summarize
    As the result of understanding a poetry, we can make a summary of the poetry as a whole

Friday 16 November 2012


Wood, getting older, it can give more benefits. From top until bottom, it is very useful for living thing around it.

For years, its branch become long and has many twigs. Humans and animals can take shelter under it.

Year by year, its root crawl deeper in ground. The wind cannot fall down it easily.

All years, its stick get bigger and stronger. It can used for human’s need.

Through the years, it produce more fruits. It cater for humans and animals.

A number of years, its leaves get more. It supply oxygen for the world.

When it is still young, it need caring. We must give fertilizer and water. Over the years, it is not necessary at all.

SO DO WE !!!.

*in order to contemplate the meaning of Islamic new year 1434 H

Monday 5 November 2012


"Sorry, your blood type is incompatible"
"What, doc?! Doesn’t match?"
The chiming clock seemed to stop. The sky falls over. The earth was flat. Just leave me alone who powerless to face the reality. My chest crammed with a thousand questions.
In the morning,  I have arrived at the office enthusiastically. This afternoon I was scheduled to attend a meeting with one of the foreign investors who will invest in my company. My father was the one who raised the company hard-earned to become one of the properties company which calculated on a national scale. And now, I was became CEO replace him after he retired because of age factor. I'm so grateful to be born in the wealthy family. But I do not want to fall asleep with all that, I have to keep hard working so that the company can still survive, because the current competition in the business world that is increasingly intense.
My phone is ringing.
"Your mother is hospitalized. Go home quickly"
Brief. But upset me. So the meeting with a client who had just started, I cancel by family reasons.
Immediately I go to the car with a bit hurry. I drive a little rush on the streets of the city that is not too crowded. My aim is one. Come to the hospital immediately and knew my mother’s condition.
Half hour later I arrived at the hospital. Soon I meet my father who was waiting in front of the ICU.
"Be patient, my son. Just pray. Hopefully your mom can get through it all safely”, dad calm me down.
"How's mom now?”, I asked.
"She suffered serious bleeding in the head. Now doctors are still running the operation".
Dad told me that my mother had an accident while she went to the market. When crossing the street, there was a motorcycle crashed into my mother. She was thrown several feet into the side of the road. Her head hit the pavement. However, the motorcycle which hit her running somewhere.
I get stuck, exactly regret. This morning, before I go to office, my mother asked me to accompany her to the market.
"My son, before you go to office, please take me to the market", she said. Unusually, my mother asked me to take her to the market. Mom would rather go by public transportation. But this time, she wants me to take her.
"I'm sorry ma'am. I can’t. This morning there is a meeting in the office. You can go by taxi”, I replied.
Immediately I rushed to the office. I don’t forget to kiss my mother's hand when saying goodbye. My mother was silent. I wonder what her feelings at that time.
Ssrrrttt. Operating room door opened, interrupting my reverie. A doctor go out with shabbily face.
"How's my mom, doc?" asked me worriedly. My father immediately get up from his seat.
"Your mother was bleeding quite badly. She needs blood immediately. But your mother's blood belongs to a rare type. This hospital does not keep blood stocks that match with your mother's blood. If in 24 hours your mother did not undergo blood transfusion, she is at risk of amnesia", explained the doctor.
"Just take my blood, doc”
"Don’t, my son. We wait for your sister who will be here soon", my father, who had been silent, now stop me.
I was a little surprised. At the urgent as it is now, why dad calm. It seems the father was hiding something from me.
"But mom at need it now, dad", I said distinctly. My father is silent.
"If there are no more problems, please do transfusions. Immediately contact the Blood Bank", said the doctor give the order.
Many times in this day I get stuck. I look closely a letter that I get from the hospital. There's a lot of impossibility that I don’t understand. It’s impossible that my blood incompatible with my mother's blood. It’s impossible that I misread the results of these blood tests. It’s impossible that the hospitals wrong do blood tests. And what impossibility else which I must understand after this.
I leave the room with heavy steps. I see my father has been with Silvia. My sister had turned up when I was at the doctor earlier. Dad look at me. Maybe he can guess my misunderstand of what had happened.
"Let your sister donate her blood for your mother," the father calm.
"Yes, brother, let me donate blood for our mother," my sister said. Maybe my father had told her before. She immediately go to transfuse blood bank.
"Who am I, Dad?" I urge my father to tell the truth.
Dad take a deep breath. He try to choose the right words to say. "Maybe after all this time keep it a secret, now is the time for you to know what you are. 27 years ago, your family had an accident. Your whole family died. Only you are survived. Your family is our neighbor. Because of no one will care for you, we intend to adopt you as our son. At that time we don’t have children. After 2 years, then your sister was born ".
My chest is tight, my tears come out by itself with the flow of our family memories. Although it is all about a beautiful memory, but still makes me sad. My body is like in the dark and cold, in my chest there is underground cave which is so large and dark.
I stand in front of our house. I open the door lazily. I look every part of the house that be a silent prove of the journey of my life. My eyes stopped at the big picture in the middle of the living room. The photo was taken just as the Lebaran Idul Fitri two years ago. I look at every face of 4 people in the photo. Recently I realize there is one person who does not have any resemblance with 3 other people. And that person is me.
I lay down on the sofa. Slowly I breathe the air in the afternoon which is not too friendly to me. I just close my eyes. A glimpse of a shadow flashed moments of our time together as a family. The image make me little calm. I have to convey to them my decision even hard for me to do.
Silvia come over to my father.
"What happen, daughter," asked my father.
"Everything is well, Dad. My blood is matched with the mother's blood", said Silvia.
After a silence so long, Silvia asked back to my father. "Where is Ferdy, Dad"
"I do not know. He immediately go out after I told everything to him"
"Let him calm down first. But what if he wants to go away from this family?"
"I also think so, too. Your brother was adult. I'm sure he can take the right decision. Although in the end he chose to leave us all. I understand his feelings now. Actually I never differentiate both of you. "
All was silent. Busy with each mind.
The hallways of the hospital room is getting quiet. Night is getting late. In corner of the building, in groups of patients attendants spread a mat to sleep. Some of them are still chat. Most of the others have slept because of tired.
Treatment room was located at the south end of the hospital. Above the door written ''ICU", not all attendants may enter the room. On the bed, a middle-aged woman lying limp. She uses an oxygen tube, breathing fluctuates irregularly. Beside her, two men sitting faithfully.
Soon I open the door, and I come near to the woman. I hug her. I kiss her hand longer and don’t loose it. Once again in one day my tears flow.
"I'm sorry, ma'am."
"Thanks to God, your mom can through the critical period. We hope that she conscious quickly." while rubbing my back, my father get up to speak to me.
I turn my body. I hug two men earlier. "Thank you everyone. I'm happy with this family. Let me repay it all".

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