Thursday 29 November 2012


Genre is a term that describes works of literature according to their shared thematic or structural characteristics. The drama was difference based on the elements of drama and common perception of people.
a) Comedy
A comedy makes us laugh when the play is well composed with the humorous elements. It refers to a play that is humorous, and that typically have happy endings.  The intent of a comedic play is to make the audience laugh. Composing a comical drama requires high level of intellect and perceptive faculties because provoking laughter is not something easy.
b) Tragedy
Tragedy is the drama exposes the plight and suffering of humans to its audience. It is play in which a main character suffers a down fall. Tragedy usually involves serious subject matter and the death of one or more main characters. The theme of a tragedy usually rotates around ruination of dynasty, downfall of man, emotional betrayals, moral setback, personal loss, death and denials. A tragedy when composed and enacted well can touch your sentiments deeply.
c) Musical
In musical drama, the story is told not only through dialogue and acting but through music and dance. Music, melody and dance play a significant role in a musical drama. The music should be in sync with the actions and the performer often uses dance as a means of self expression. The stage is equipped with a band of orchestra, well rehearsed with the plot and use of music. Musical drama became popular as opera, which is still considered to be intensely sensuous.
d)  Fantasy
It's a complete fictional work where characters virtually display supernatural skills. It's more appealing to children as fairies, angels, superheroes, etc are embedded in the plot. Use of magic, pseudo science, horror and spooky themes through various kinds of technical devices create a perfect world of fantasy. The modern version of drama incorporates a great deal of special effects.


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