Saturday 25 May 2013


A.    Back-Formation
Back-formation adalah salah satu cara pembentukan kata dengan cara mengurangi sebuah imbuhan yang dianggap menjadi bagian dari kata awal. Back-formation merubah kelas kata dan maknanya. Biasanya kata-kata tersebut diubah dari kata benda (noun) menjadi kata kerja (verb).
Contoh: Television menjadi televise. Editor menjadi edit.

B.    Extending Word Formation Rules
Sebuah kata baru mungkin dibentuk dari kata yang telah ada yang muncul untuk dianalisis-kata tersebut, terdiri lebih dari satu morpheme.
Kata bikini, sebagai contoh, adalah berasal dari sebuah pulau karang bernama Bikini dari Pulau Marshall. Semenjak suku kata pertama bi- dalam kata yang lain, seperti bi-polar, berarti “dua”, maka beberapa orang yang pintar menyebut sebuah setelan mandi tanpa penutup dada sebuah monokini. Contoh lain bicycle – monocycle.

C.    Abbreviations
Abbreviation sering juga disebut sebagai clipping. Clipping adalah pembentukan kata baru dengan mengurangi jumlah suku katanya. Berbeda dengan back-formation, clipping tidak mengubah kelas kata maupun maknanya. Clipping biasanya dibentuk oleh suku kata pertama, seperti Prof untuk Professor, Lab untuk Laboratory. Clipping juga bisa dibentuk oleh dua suku kata pertama, seperti Condo untuk Condominium. Dan ada juga yang dibentuk tidak sesuai dengan aturan di atas, seperti Phone untuk Telephone, Flu untuk Influenza.

D.    Words From Names
Sebuah daya cipta dari pembentukan kata baru sebuah bahasa (atau penambahan kosa kata) dinyatakan oleh jumlah kata dalam kosa kata Bahasa Inggris yang diperoleh dari nama individu atau tempat. Willard R. Espy telah menyusun sebuah buku yang terdiri dari 1.500 kata, seperti:
Sandwich : nama untuk Pangeran Sandwich ke-empat, yang meletakkan makanannya diantara dua irisan roti, jadi dia bisa memakannya ketika dia berjudi
Robot : setelah pembuat mesin di Ceko penulis Karel Capek bermain R.U.R, yang merupakan singkatan dari “Rossum’s Universal Robots”
Gargantuan : nama untuk ciptaan dengan nafsu makan yang besar oleh Rabelais
Jumbo : diberi nama setelah seekor gajah dibawa ke U.S oleh P.T. Barnum (“Jumbo olives” tidak sebesar seekor gajah, bagaimanapun juga)

E.    Inflectional Morphology
Pada dasarnya morphology dan syntax mempunyai perbedaan. Morphology adalah gabungan beberapa suku kata yang membentuk sebuah kata, sedangkan syntax adalah sekelompok kata yang membentuk sebuah kalimat. Namun, morphology dan syntax mempunyai hubungan yang saling terkait. Morphology bergantung kepada syntax, begitu juga sebaliknya syntax bergantung kepada morphology. Hubungan antara morphology dan syntax adalah syntax mempelajari tentang struktur kombinasi kata-kata dalam kalimat, sementara unsur-unsur pembentuk kalimat itu terdiri dari gabungan morpheme yang menjadi kata dan itu dipelajari dalam morphology.
Sementara itu, inflectional morpheme adalah termasuk bound morpheme yang membentuk kata baru tetapi tidak merubah kelas kata. Tuntutan perubahan ini didasari oleh grammatically saja. Contoh:
-    I sail the ocean blue
-    He sails the ocean blue
-    John sailed the ocean blue
-    John has sailed the ocean blue
-    John is sailing the ocean blue

Saturday 18 May 2013

Listening Comprehension IV

This is Listening's File from Ms. Widi. You can download it freely. :)
  • 1st Meeting - The Respondent. (Download)
  • 2nd Meeting - Claudia & Tosio. (Download)
  • 3rd Meeting - Dream Time. (Download)
  • 4th Meeting - Mic House. (Download)
  • 5th Meeting - Video Library. (Download)
  • 6th Meeting - Accommodation. (Download)
  • 7th Meeting - Degree of Business_Mid Term. (Download
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    Tuesday 1 January 2013


    Like the other of literature genre, poetry also has a specific character. Poetry is not free style of writing. In making a poetry, we must pay attention to some rules to create it. The rules are called the form’s element of poetry.
    1. Line
    It is a single line of word in a poetry. We can say that line is “the sentence of poetry”.
    2. Rhythm
    Rhythm is the pattern of repeated sound.
    3. Foot
    Feet is a intonation of reading the poetry based on the dictionary. In the other word, feet is a regulation how to read the poetry. When you speak, you don't say everything in a steady tone like a “hum”-you'd sound funny-. Instead, you stress parts of words. You say different parts of words with different volume, and your voice rises and falls as if you were singing a song. Mostly, we don't notice we're doing it. Poetry in English is often made up of poetic units or “feet”. It consists of stresses (accented) and/or unstressed (unaccented). There is a rule how to determine a feet in a poetry.
    4. Rhyme Scheme
    Rhyme in poetry refers to the identity of sound at the ends of lines. "Rhyme" usually means end rhymes (words at the end of a line). They give balance and please the ear. Sometimes rhymes are exact. Other times they are just similar. Both are okay.
    Rhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme. For example:
    Whose woods these are I think I know.
    His house is in the village though;
    He will not see me stopping here
    To watch his woods fill up with snow.

    The rhyme scheme is aaba (because "know", "though", and "snow" rhyme, they are marked "a", while "here" is another rhyme, and is marked "b")
    Notice: rhyme is based on the sound, not the letter.
    5. Stanza
    Stanza is the smallest unit in a poetry. A grouping of lines, equivalent to a paragraph in prose, is called a stanza. Type of stanza based on the number of line:
    •    Couplet (stanza composed two lines)
    •    Triplet/ tercet (stanza composed three lines)
    •    Quatrain (stanza composed four lines)
    •    Cinquain (stanza composed five lines)
    •    Sestet (stanza composed six lines)
    •    Septet (stanza composed seven lines)
    •    Octave (stanza composed eight lines)
    •    Sonnet (stanza composed fourteen lines)


    1. Theme
    Theme is the general idea of a story.
    2. Setting
    Setting is the information of the where the story occur and the time of the story. Setting also include a context (especially society) beyond the surround of the story, like culture, historical period, geography, and occupation.
    3. Plot
    Plot is the sequence of events.
    4. Point of View
    Point of view is the different angle to see the subject.
    5. Character and Characterization
    Character is an individual (usually a person) who play in a story. Characterization is the method used by the writer to develop a character.
    6. Symbols
    Symbols is the language style used by the author.
    7. Atmosphere
    Atmosphere is condition and emotion in a story.


    Point of view is relationship of the storyteller or narrator to the story. By the point of view, the author allows us to "see" and "hear" what's going on. The skillful of authors can makes the readers give attention to the story. Point of view is divided into two main kind.
    First-person point of view
    In the first person point of view, the narrator does participate in the action of the story. This point of view is used when a character narrates the story with I-me-my-mine in his or her speech. He or she can appears as main character or supporting character.
    Third-person point of view 
    Here the narrator does not participate in the action of the story as one of the characters. The writer may choose third-person omniscient, in which the writer know everything and his knowledge and prerogative are unlimited, or third-person limited, in which the writer know only in one angle.

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