One day, his son named Bujang Nadi and his daughter named Dare Nandung talked to each other in park of the palace. Bujang Nadi said, “I will not get married if I do not meet a mate as beautiful as you”. “So do I my brother, I will not get married ii I do not meet a mate as handsome as you”, Dare Nandung continue. This conversation was heard by a Tan Unggal’s sentinel. His sentinel told to Tan Unggal that his children loved each other. Without any consideration, after hearing the information, he punished Bujang Nadi and Dare Nandung by burying them alive in one grave in somewhere around Sebedang lake. Their funeral was completed with the household that made of gold and a cock which were inserted in their grave, as the sign whether they were still alive or dead.
Tan Unggal was very cruel not only towards his children but also his people. Many offenders were condemned to die by Tan Unggal in his age rule. Moreover, no one could criticize him. He would consider it as rebellion and he would torture the rebellion as bad as possible. Because of his cruelty, his people evolved a big plan to topple Tan Unggal. The people knew that Tan Unggal was a strong king. But, the people’s brain was also “strong”. The people deceived Tan Unggal by telling Tan Unggal that Majapahit troop would attack Sambas with their massive number. Tan Unggal was very afraid of this information. He asked for advice how to avoid facing Majapahit troop. First, he planned to go away from his kingdom, but the people said, “Don’t do that my lord, our region was surrounded by their troop”. “It is very impossible to escape”, the people continued. Finally, he decided to hide in a steel coffin. The people said that they would hide the coffin in somewhere so that it would not be found by Majapahit troop. And then the people locked him in the coffin an sank it in deep river. Before sinking, Tan Unggal swore, he said, “Those who do not ask for permission when passing this river will be sunk”.
After his death, the people were independent an free from king’s cruelty. Unfortunately, many peculiar events happened somewhere around Sebedang lake where Bujang Nadi and Dare Nandung was buried. The villagers often heard crowing cock in the midnight and at the center of the lake. Not only that, sometimes, the left remaining damnation of Tan Unggal became real. Many boats and small ships were sunk right in the place where Tan Unggal drowned down. This accident will occur on those who do not ask for permission from Tan Unggal. So, if they want to pass that river they will say, “Oh my lord, Tan Unggal, I want to ask for permission to pass this river”
*) Story from Sambas, West Borneo
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